Location / Address

We are looking forward to welcome you in our therapy center at Aarmühlestr. 35 on the 1st floor in Interlaken

Creditcards accepted

+41 77 452 74 26 and +41 33 821 28 19

Opening hours
Monday to Saturday 10 - 20 hrs

Our Therapies

30 min. = CHF 45.–
60 min. = CHF 80.–
90 min. = CHF 110.–
120 min. = CHF 140.–

Thai aromatherapy
Palms and thumbs stimulate pressure points on the energy lines, revitalise the musculature and improve the blood circulation. As a whole body massage from prank movements and gentle pressure she offers wonderful relaxation. The smell of the warm oil on the skin and the gentle, flow massage clutches end, lead to the relaxation of the whole nervous system.

Traditional Thai-Massage
The massage generally follows the Sen Energy lines on the body , The purpose of Thai massage is to bring the body, mind, and spirit into a state of balance and harmony, providing an opportunity for self-healing. The benefits enjoyed from a Thai massage session may include the following: relief from stress, deep relaxation, warmed and stretched muscles, healing energy flow, greater flexibility, increased and focused energy levels, prevention of injury, relief from sore and aching muscles and joints, detoxification, and a feeling of confidence and well-being.

Thai foot reflexology
Reflexology originates from an ancient Chinese system and is based on the notion that there are nerve endings in the soles of the feet that correspond to all of the organs of the body such as the liver, kidney or spleen. The gentle and repeated massage of these pressure points stimulates and detoxifies the internal organs and improves circulation to the problem area. Foot massage begins with a footbath and is done with the fingers, hands and a small wooden dowel dipped in lotion. It involves both the sides and soles of the feet as well as the energy lines (Sen) of the lower leg.

Thai-herbal stamps massage
Hot, in steam warmed up herbal packs, are pressed along important energy lines or in the energy points the skin. By the hot packs the skin pores open and the herbal mixture can complete her wholesome effect. The packs contain a special Thai herb mixture. In particular with muscle pains, inflammations and similar discomfort the effect of the herbal stamps is unmatched.

For questions and bookings:
+41 77 452 74 26 and +41 33 821 28 19

Traditional Thai Massage

Traditional Thai Massage, also known as Ancient Massage or Thai Yoga Massage, dates back more than three hundred years in its present form, with its origins going back more than 5,000 years to ancient India and China. While Thai Massage combines elements of Ayurvedic medicine, Hatha yoga and Chinese acupressure, it has evolved into a system that is entirely unique and is widely regarded as one of the best systems of therapeutic massage.

Benefits of Thai Massage
Many health benefits have been associated with Thai Massage, including:

Relief from stress and muscle tensionRelief from aches and painsImproved circulationUnblocking and balancing of energy flowDetoxification of the internal organsImproved alignmentIncreased flexibility and range of motionA general increase in energyImproved moodLike any form of massage, benefits increase with repeated treatments.

Thai Massage combines gentle, yoga-like stretching with massage of the muscles, tendons, pressure points and energy lines, or Sen. While there are hundreds of energy lines in the body, Thai massage focuses on the ten main energy lines, or Sip Sen.

Thai Massage is done on a mat as opposed to a table. This allows the practitioner to get the body leverage necessary for the stretches and postures characteristically used in Thai Massage. Depending on the needs of the client, Thai Massage technique may also employ the elbows, knees and feet in addition to the hands.

The pressure can be varied according to your preference. Less pressure should be used the first time, while more pressure can be applied as your body can tolerate deeper work. Always feel free to request the level of pressure that feels right for you. Be sure to tell your masseuse about any pain or specific problem areas that you would like help with.


Thai Therapie Massage
Frau Tithi Kropornkrang
Aarmühlestr. 35
3800 Interlaken

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